Foto: Apple

2023 App Store Award-finalister

Bortimot 40 app- og spillutviklere fordelt på 10 ulike kategorier.


2023 nærmer seg slutten, og Apple benytter som sedvanlig anledningen til å gjøre stas på det som oppfattes som den ypperste kvaliteten av tilbudet på AppStore gjennom denne prisen.

I første omgang presenteres finalistene, og så kåres det en vinner til slutt. Og her presenteres de utvalgte innen de ulike kategoriene:

iPhone App of the Year Finalists

iPhone Game of the Year Finalists

iPad App of the Year Finalists

iPad Game of the Year Finalists

Mac App of the Year Finalists

Mac Game of the Year Finalists

Apple Watch App of the Year Finalists

Apple TV App of the Year Finalists

Apple Arcade Game of the Year Finalists

Cultural Impact Finalists

  • balance, for making menopause support more inclusive and accessible to all.
  • Copilot, for simplifying personal finance.
  • Endling, for inspiring players to focus on environmental impact.
  • Finding Hannah, for connecting women across generations through gameplay.
  • How to Say Goodbye, for helping users process difficult emotions.
  • Pok Pok, for helping kids learn, explore, and experiment in a digital playroom.
  • Proloquo, for supporting communication without speech.
  • Rebel Girls, for turning bedtime stories into a discovery of heroic women throughout time.
  • Too Good To Go, for helping to reduce food waste at restaurants, bakeries, and supermarkets.
  • Unpacking, for crafting soul-soothing puzzles.

Via Apple